SILVER and GOLD TRYOUT info! (Friday, Dec 5th, Jan 11th)
CMU Ballroom Dance Club
ballroom-general at
Sat Nov 28 22:14:11 EST 2009
Hello Dancers!
As stated in the previous behemoth of an e-mail, we have rearranged our
lessons for the coming semester. Our fall competitions and lesson sets are
almost over, but we hope you've still been practicing! Silver and Gold
EARLY Tryouts will be SATURDAY, December 5th from 3:00-4:30 PM in the UC
activities room. The REGULAR Tryout date will be the first day of the new
semester, Monday, Jan. 11th (6-8PM Rangos3). (NOTE: Gold lessons will be
moved to MONDAYS from 6-8 PM.)
If you plan on trying out in December, please e-mail ballroom at andrew with
the following info:
Level you are trying out for:
Need a partner? (yes/no):
If you have been regularly attending the BRONZE lessons this year, we
recommend you tryout for the Silver class to further your dancing next
year. If you have been regularly attending the SILVER lessons, have
taken part in competitions, and practice regularly outside of lessons,
we recommend you tryout for the Gold lessons this year!
The benefit of the Early tryout is that if you do not make tryouts for
a particular level, you will have comments from the judges and a
months worth of time to practice to tryout again at Regular Tryouts.
Of course, if you make Early Tryouts, there is no need for you to
tryout again-^_^.
The structure of the next semester's lessons is new, please refer to the
previous e-mail for more information. As a reminder, you only need to
tryout for the dances that will be offered next semester (see below for
more detail).
December 5th Schedule:
3:00-3:30PM - General warm-up
3:30-3:50 PM - Standard tryouts
3:50-4:00 PM - Change shoes, Latin warm up
4:00-4:30 PM - Latin tryouts
Order of Dances:
Standard: Foxtrot (Silver), Foxtrot (Gold), Quickstep (Silver), Quickstep
(Gold), Viennese Waltz (Silver)
Latin: Cha-Cha (Silver), Rumba (Gold), Samba (Silver), Jive (Gold)
***Why do we need tryouts?***
-To allow for a smoothly taught class where the instructor can assume that
you know basic steps in the previous levels
-To allow more material to be covered during classes (by avoiding the
teaching of lower level steps)
To prepare you, here is a description of how each tryout will work:
Silver Lesson Tryouts: (Dances professionally taught next semester: Samba,
Foxtrot, Cha-Cha, Quickstep, and Viennese Waltz)
By trying out for Silver now, you have the opportunity to gain admission
into the Silver lessons for the ENTIRE spring semester. If you do not make
tryouts for a specific dance at this tryout, you will have an opportunity
to tryout again for the Silver level before each new dance set. You may
tryout for as few as 1 dance, however pricing for the Silver lessons will
still be $10 more than Basic membership regardless of how many of the
dances you make.
We Recommend that EVERYONE tries out for Silver Lessons for the Semester
or for Select Dances:
-If you have attended a complete session of classes in the Bronze level of
the dance (regular attendance to the Fall 09 Monday classes)
-If you feel proficient in most of the Bronze steps and have a feeling of
the rhythm of the dance
-If you have attended a competition in the Bronze level (or above) of the
Expectation: Please prepare by practicing the steps we taught this fall in
Bronze classes! Review videos are still online and officers will be around
to help this week. Dancers should try to exhibit their knowledge of the
Bronze syllabus at this tryout.
Gold Lesson Tryouts: (Dances professionally taught next semester: Rumba,
Foxtrot, Jive, and Quickstep)
-This is for admission into the Gold lessons for the entire next semester
or for select dances
-You may tryout for as few as 1 dance, however pricing for the Gold
lessons will still be $20 more than Basic membership regardless of how
many of the dances you make.
We Recommend that you tryout if:
-You feel proficient in most of the Bronze and Silver steps, know the
rhythm and know the basic techniques of the dance
-You have attended a competition in the Silver level (or above)
-You have attended classes for the dance in the Silver level and feel
confident to move on
-You pick up steps quickly and have time to practice and prepare for each
Notes: Admittance to the Gold level class implies admittance to the Silver
level class of the same dance (applies to Foxtrot and Quickstep). This way
you don't have to do both the Silver AND Gold tryout for it.
Don't have a partner?
-Include this fact in your e-mail and we will match you up with a partner
trying out for the same level. If all else fails we will match you up with
an officer.
-Note that we will be looking at individual dancers.
See you all there!
-CMUBDC Officers
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