Ohio Star Ball Competition

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Oct 30 20:46:42 EDT 2008

Hi, dancers!

We currently have 26 people on the competition team heading out to DC for
DCDI this weekend, so wish them all luck! Most of the team will actually
be competing newcomer, so it's definitely a very exciting time for all of
us. For those interested in competing, there's another competition coming
up this next month. We'll be going to Ohio Star Ball in Columbus, Ohio
the weekend of November 22 - 23rd (the weekend before Thanksgiving
break). It's one of the best collegiate competitions in the country, so a
great opportunity for everyone. If you're interested, contact our
competition coordinator Jackie (jackiez at andrew.cmu.edu). If you want to
register, you have to let Jackie know by midnight November 8th.
For more information, the competition website is here:
You can contact me or Jackie if you have any questions about anything.
Good luck to all of our DCDI competitors!

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