Salsa Lessons!

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at
Wed Oct 15 14:55:57 EDT 2008

Hi dancers!

A new set of Salsa lessons is about to start!

For the first half of this semester, we've been holding Salsa Rueda 
lessons each Thursday 6-7pm in the Morewood Gardens Activities Room. 
Starting tomorrow, we're going to hold a new set of Salsa lessons which 
will focus on learning the kind of salsa you'd dance at clubs, 
competitions, and performances.  Joseph Bradley and Volkan Eren will be 
teaching awesome steps and helpful technique.

Where: Morewood Gardens Activities Room (Enter Morewood Gardens front 
entrance, go up the stairs, show your ID to the desk attendant to get 
in, look to the left immediately to find the room.)

When: Thursdays 6-7pm

As always, you don't need a partner.  These are extra lessons, so we 
charge $3/lesson for Ballroom Club members (and $5 for non-members). 
But they're well worth it!

See you there!

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