Social Dance Friday & Schedules for next semester

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at
Thu Dec 11 13:23:23 EST 2008

Hello, dancers! 

1. Social Dance on Friday
2. Lesson Schedule for Next Semester
3. Lesson Changes 
4. Updated Website

1. Social Dance on Friday
It's been a great semester and we hope you've all enjoyed it! We'll be ending the semester with a social dance this Friday, December 12th (tomorrow!!) in Rangos. There will be a free salsa lesson at 7 and then social dancing the rest of the night. Make sure you come out and show off everything you've learned this semester!

2. Lesson Schedule for Next Semester
Our schedule for next semester is also up on our website calendar, so you can start planning ahead now. We currently do not have paper copies of the lesson schedule, but we will at the start of next semester. If you want to receive one over winter break, let me know and I can email you one.

Lesson Start Dates:
Monday January 12th - Beginner 2, 8:30 - 10:00 PM
Wednesday January 14th - Intermediate, 6 - 7 PM; Beginner 1, 7 - 9 PM
Saturday January 17th - Advanced, 1 - 3 PM

3. Lesson Changes for Next Semester
Starting next semester, Beginner 1 will focus more on social dancing and teach both American and International styles. Beginner 2, which will still be student taught, will focus only on the international style and be slightly more competition focused. We'll also be throwing more social dances throughout the semester, including a formal Valentine's Day dance social! 

Intermediate has also been moved to 6 - 7 PM, before the Beginner 1 class. This frees up the 9 - 10 PM slot it used to be in for open practice time and social dancing. After every Beginner 1 lesson, we'll play music and you'll be able to practice freely and ask the officers there if you have any questions. 

4. Updated Website
 Our website in general has been updated and now has a great tips and advice section with advice on shoes for men and women, advice on competitions and photo galleries.  If you have any suggestions for what else to put on the site, just let us know!


Thanks so much for being with us this semester! If you ever have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to email back and let me know. Hope you all have a wonderful winter break! See you next semester!


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