New Ballroom Officers Announced!

CMU Ballroom Dance Club ballroom-general at
Thu Apr 24 02:15:35 EDT 2008

Hi dancers,

We have 8 people interested in being officers, but since there isn't any 
infighting for positions :) we won't be holding elections.  So we can 
now announce our officers for the 2008-2009 school year!

Co-Presidents - Ashley Castillo & Jessica Wong

Treasurer - Andrey Grinshpun

Secretary - Rachael Harding

Lesson Coordinator - Daisy Wang

Competition Team & Events Coordinator - Jackie Zhang

Publicity Chair - Volkan Eren

Webmaster - Dan LaGrotta

If you're interested in helping out and just haven't let us know, please 
email us (ballroom at and tell us--we can always use more help.

***Thanks*** everyone for an awesome year of dancing!  We've had some 
enormous lessons, a handful of Late Nights & socials, and lots of new 
people interested in extra lessons and competitions.  I'm afraid this 
will be my last email as club president--but I'll still be helping out 
with teaching lessons & other stuff next year.

I hope everyone keeps dancing next year, and let us know if you have any 
suggestions for improvements!  We're planning to add on another level of 
lessons, as well as some cool stuff like a Formation Team class and 
(hopefully!) a Salsa class.

Happy dancing!
Joseph Bradley
CMU Ballroom Dance Club President

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