Spring Ball this Friday 4/28 7pm

ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu ballroom-general at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Apr 25 01:15:51 EDT 2006

The Carnegie Mellon University Ballroom Dance Club would like to invite you
all this Friday to our 2nd annual Spring Ball, a dance with a 17-piece
orchestra, Big Band Memories.  Friday night will be filled with music
ranging from swing and jazz, latin, waltz, and tango.

When: This Friday April 28th 
	7pm - Doors Open
	7:30-8:30pm - Lesson
	9pm-Midnight - Dance with a live orchestra
Where: Rangos Ballroom, University Center
How much: $8/person or $15/couple

Tickets will be available at the table outside of Doherty Hall from 10-3
Tuesday through Friday or at the UC info desk.  Tickets will also be sold at
the door.

Light refreshments will be served.

If you have any questions, let us know at ballroom at andrew.cmu.edu.  I look
forward to seeing you all there.


Nicholas Scocozzo
Secretary, Ballroom Dance Club

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