Dollar Challenge (fwd)

Yong-Li Qian yongliq at
Mon Sep 19 17:42:41 EDT 2005

Hey all!
I know this isn't ballroom related, but I really believe in this cause.
Please give a dollar to help those affected by Katrina! (read below) Thanks!
Yong-Li Qian

------------ Forwarded Message ------------
Date: Monday, September 19, 2005 3:09 PM -0400
From: Amanda Scheerbaum <scheerba at>
To: Student Body Vice President <sbvp at>
Subject: Dollar Challenge 

IMPORTANT! This message has been blind-carbon-copied to you.
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------------ Forwarded Message ------------

September 16, 2005

Dear Carnegie Mellon Students, Faculty and Staff,

In response to the tragedies that occurred in Louisiana, Mississippi, and
Alabama just a few short weeks ago, Greek Council is teaming with IFC,
Panhel and other members of Greek Life to raise money for school districts
in the affected areas.  On Wednesday, September 21, 2005, the Greek
community will host a 'Dollar Challenge' on the CFA lawn.  The 'Dollar
Challenge' has the goal of collecting a one dollar donation from every
student, staff, and faculty member at Carnegie Mellon University.  A dollar
from each campus member could potentially yield upwards of $14,000 alone. 	
The Housing and Dining Services office will be hosting a Grill Out Lunch on
the day of the event.  All faculty, staff and students are encouraged to
have lunch that day together on the CFA lawn.  And if faculty, staff or
students buying lunch wish to pay an extra dollar of DINEXTRA or CASH for
their meal, it will be donated to the effort.

By working together we can have an unimaginable impact.


Bruce Burnett
Greek Council President

John Kubasiak
Interfraternity Council President

Dollar Challenge
For Hurricane Katrina Relief

5389 Undergraduates
4274 Grad Students
+  3884 Faculty and Staff

All proceeds to benefit affected EDUCATIONAL DISTRICTS
(Grades Pre K-12) in the Gulfcoast Region

---------- End Forwarded Message ----------

Amanda Scheerbaum
Office of Student Activities
Carnegie Mellon University
University Center Suite 103
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
PH: 412-268-8704
FAX: 412-268-5938
scheerba at

---------- End Forwarded Message ----------

Yong-Li Qian
Class of 2007
Chemistry Major

Sister of Tridelta, treasurer Spring 2005
CMU Ballroom Dance Club president
ChemSAC vice-president

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From: Amanda Scheerbaum <scheerba at>
Subject: Dollar Challenge 
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 15:09:00 -0400
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