Ballroom and Dancers' Symposium

ballroom-general at ballroom-general at
Fri Dec 9 11:04:07 EST 2005

Hi everybody,

Congratulations on making it to the last day of classes for the Fall 
semester!  As part of the festivities, I would like to invite you all to 
attend a special performance of Dancers' Symposium.  DS is a showcase of 
dancing talent held once a semester, and this semester it includes a 
performance from our very own CMUBDC, as well as a couple other latin-style 

Dancers' Symposium will be held tonight (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday) at 
8:00pm in Rangos.  Tickets are being sold today in front of Doherty Hall, 
and will also be available at the door.  Come support the club, bring your 
friends, and enjoy the show!

Brian Thompson
CMU Ballroom Dance Club
Vice President

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