Arjuna Maintenance Window

Arjuna help arjunahelp at
Fri Jul 20 13:27:47 EDT 2018

Dear Arjuna users,

We will be having a maintenance window starting Monday July 23 at 8:00 AM
with the main goal of fixing the OmniPath interconnectivity of the nodes.

A maintenance reservation to start at the above time has been created to
withhold all nodes with no currently running jobs from accepting new jobs
so that we can debug the interconnectivity. We will attempt to keep
interruptions to a minimum for the running jobs but multi-node jobs running
during the maintenance window will likely be affected.

We plan for the headnode to still be reachable and for SLURM to accept jobs
to queue throughout the window. Also not, jobs with long wall times with
not start to run as we approach the maintenance window due to the


Gregory Houchins | WH3402 | 412-268-7482
Arjuna System Administrator
PhD Candidate, Physics
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