Latest updates on CIT's premier cluster

Arjuna help arjunahelp at
Fri Feb 2 13:09:53 EST 2018

Hi all,

We now have a wiki with some relevant information about the cluster. Please
check it out and let us know if there is any more information you would
like to see. You can also submit your own changes through git. Information
is all at the site:

I have also created a single email account for all Arjuna inquiries:
arjunahelp at Hopefully this will streamline simple support issues.

Finally, as requested by many, I have made a new debug partition for
instantaneous submission to make sure your code will work before you wait
hours in the queue. This new partition has a max wall time of 30 minutes. I
have added e002 to this partition and e001 is in a DRAINING state (no more
jobs will start but all current jobs remain)  in preparation to make the
transition as well. In order to make sure these two nodes will remain
working hard, I have dual purposed them on another new partition called
idle. You may submit to this partition just as you would any other cpu
node. The difference is that whenever a debug job is submitted, your job
will be preempted, suspended, and the debug job will run. When the debug
job finishes, your job on the idle partition will resume.

I suspect there may be minor bugs in the configuration of these two new
partitions so I encourage all to use these and let me know any issues!

You can submit to these node using your cpu account and specifying the
-p debug
-p idle

On behalf of the Arjuna administration team, I hope these new changes
improves the quality of service for all!

Gregory Houchins | WH3402 | 412-268-7482
Arjuna System Administrator
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