alice-teacher Primitive and Object Types

Donald Slater dslater at
Mon Jul 22 14:01:06 EDT 2024

There are no primitive types in Alice. Alice uses the Java Wrapper classes so that all values are objects. Alice also uses synonyms, hopefully more descriptive, names for these wrapper classes, as in

	WholeNumber -> Integer
	DecimalNUmber -> Double
	TextString -> String

Although it does not come up frequently, if I understand your question correctly, objects created in Scene mode are referred to as objects “managed by the scene editor” and objects created in code are referred to as “unmanaged" properties and variables. These properties and variables are not just the wrapper types, but also Gallery Models and other objects available in the Alice System (events, etc.)

Let me know if you have any other questions.

All the best,
Don Slater

For the Alice Project

> On Jul 20, 2024, at 12:22 PM, Barnum, William via alice-teachers <alice-teachers at> wrote:
> Are there any primitive types in Alice (e.g., int or boolean in Java), or is everything an object type?
> Is there any different vocabulary when discussing object types that are initialized in code (e.g., WholeNumber or TextString) versus object types that are created in the Scene Mode (e.g., Bear or Eagle)?
> Thanks,
> Bill
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