alice-teacher Alice VR Quest2

Ziccardi, Adam aziccardi at
Mon Dec 6 07:48:18 EST 2021

Good morning, I am off a bit, maybe with the VR (Quest2). It's all loading
and running well, incredible devices :) but...the ALice Player screen is a
screen in the VR Desktop mode that's "over there" and I'm not *in *the
ALice world. I'm not sure if that's how it is supposed to be.
I've focussed on this:
 Running the Player in VR

To have the player run in VR you need to first start the Oculus desktop
application and be sure your VR headset and controllers are properly
running.  It is key that the Oculus base application is  running before you
start up the Alice Player so that it will detect that VR is present.


   Start the Oculus application

And I'm quite sure I don't know if the Oculus desktop app is the Remote
Desktop App I got for $19.99 in the VR world.
I'll be back on this tonight and will begin experiments again. Thanks ahead
of time for any pointers,

Adam Ziccardi
OPTA president
K-12 CS coordinator
NYS Master Teacher
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