alice-teacher Screen flickers when moving accellerating camera

Donald Slater djslater107 at
Tue Apr 20 08:51:09 EDT 2021

From the development Team…

> The key repeat speed of 30 per second (per key) combined with the default 1 second animation can stack up a few too many transformations.
> They should get less flicker by lowering the duration of each animation to 0.25 or 0.1 second, or even 0. The effective motion won't be much changed.

We are looking at some of the assumptions regarding our defaults. Thank you for bringing this to our attention…

Take care and be well,

Don Slater

Alice Project

> On Apr 17, 2021, at 12:27 PM, Vanderhyde, James <vanderhyde at> wrote:
> Some of my students are making car race games. They came up with a way to do player control or the car using the COMBINE option on the keyboard event with a move forward duration 1. It actually has a very nice feel of acceleration, because the combined movement instructions stack up until a max speed is hit due to the fixed frame rate.
> However, something weird happens when you set the camera’s vehicle property to the car. The screen flickers as the camera accelerates. I’m attaching an Alice program that exhibits the behavior. Use up arrow to move forward and right arrow to turn. The flicker occurs sporadically, but more frequently if you try turning. The flicker also happens just moving the camera, so it does not seem to be connected to the vehicle. But the vehicle makes it worse, it seems.
> Alice +build .500
> MacOS Mojave 10.14.6
> Intel Core i7
> Intel Iris Pro graphics
> James
>> James Vanderhyde
> Associate Professor and Department Chair
> Computer Science
> Saint Xavier University
> 3700 W. 103rd St.
> Chicago, IL 60655
> 773-298-3454
> <camera flicker bug.a3p>_______________________________________________
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