alice-teacher Instancing in Alice, dynamic list creation, repository of 3rd party material

John Jannone Jannone at
Sat Nov 28 13:38:56 EST 2020

Dear Alice Educators,

I’m wondering if new objects can somehow be instantiated a scene - e.g. every time the wizard says a spell, a new instance of "crystal ball" appears at the location of her right hand; or at startup generate a forest of 30 randomly placed trees (without having to create all 30 and add them to a list)? I can’t seem to find this in documentation nor by poking around Alice’s functions, but it seems an obvious kind of functionality.

As a related secondary question, can lists be generated from existing objects, e.g. for each object of type tree, and an entry to list allTrees?

These are maybe custom Java functions that someone has already created - is there a library or repository of 3rd party material somewhere?



John J.A. Jannone
Director, Camp Ballibay for the Fine & Performing Arts <>  @campBallibay <>  [X] ballibay<>
Associate Professor, Sound & Emerging Media, Brooklyn College
Founder, M.F.A. program in Performance & Interactive Media Arts (PIMA)
Producer, Small Time feature film <>  @small_time_film <>
Producer, Person Woman Man Camera TV feature film  @personwomanmancameratvthemovie<>
Artist, Composer, Animator <>  @johnjannone <>  [X] johnjannone<>

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