alice-teacher The emulator for Chrome books

Donald Slater dslater at
Wed Jul 22 16:27:39 EDT 2020

Posting this again— I will also post a response from Keith with some words of warning / advice…

A member of the Alice community, Keith Golebie, has found that by installing a linux emulator on the Chromebook, he was able to run Alice (both versions), The setup is not trivial however. Here are their instructions:

<begin instructions from Keith Golebie (kgolebie at <mailto:kgolebie at>)>

For those of you who may be interested...

After many attempts, I am happy to report that Alice 3 (the latest version) is running on the Chromebook! Linux is running in a window, so you can toggle between Linux and Chrome without rebooting. 

All credit and thanks to Steve Audia at CMU - Steve's patience through this process was amazing! Additionally, thanks and credit to Eric Brown for your input and for making the connections.

The process does require Developer mode, and that may be sticky for IT Staff in school districts, but it does work.

This is not as complicated as it may seem. There are 3 main steps - run the Ubuntu install, update Linux & install java, then install Alice. This is only one method of making this work, there are others. If you find other methods, please share them with the list.

Installing the Linux version of Alice on a Chromebook

1. Follow the steps to install Linux Ubuntu using Crouton found here: <>

Once Linux is up and running, you may have to reboot the system, so go ahead and do that. 
(Follow directions on Crouton install)

2. After rboot, in a terminal window on Linux, run:

	sudo apt-get update
	sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade
	sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties
	sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
	sudo apt-get update
	sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

3. Alice
	Download Alice 3 for Linux from <>

	The remainder is from <>:

		the Linux shell script does not start the installer right away. Follow these steps:
		Open the Terminal, and go to the directory where you have downloaded Alice.
		Type chmod +x
		Type ./
		Installation will start in a few seconds

4. Alice 2
	Click on Download Alice 2.x for Linux for the appropriate gallery version of Alice 2.x.
	After the download is complete, unzip the downloaded file.
	Place the complete uncompressed directory in the desired location on your machine.
	Open the Alice 2.x directory
	Find the Required directory in the Alice 2.x directory and open it
	Double-click the run-alice file in the Required directory (you may wish to create a short-cut for this file to place on your desktop).
	If Alice does not start, you may need to reset the classpath for the Java location on your machine. 


<end Keith Golebie instructions>

Al the best,
Don Slater

Alice Project

> On Jul 22, 2020, at 4:23 PM, Denise S <d.stanley at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I just learned that I will be teaching remotely for at least part of the 2020/2021 school year.
> My students use Chromebooks.
> Could you please send along the steps involved to set this up?
> Thank you,
> Denise Stanley
> Grade 6 Computer Science
> -- 
> Denise Stanley
> Grade 6 Computer Science Teacher
> Advanced Math & Science Academy Charter School
> 201 Forest St., Marlborough, MA 01752
> (508) 597-2400
> d.stanley at <mailto:d.stanley at>
>  <>
>  <>   <>   <>   <>
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