alice-teacher Moving a hovercraft/drone

Don Slater don at
Tue Jan 14 08:13:47 EST 2020

You did not mention if you were using Alice 2 or Alice 3. I am assuming that you are using Alice 2.

I created a boolean property for the world, named it isActive, and set its value to false.

I created a world method called startPropellers

	while isActive
		do together
			turn each propeller to the right one revolution in ½ second, abruptly

For the events
	When S is pressed, set isActive to true  (I am using A is a toggle switch on)
	When A is pressed, set isActive to false

	When U is pressed, if isActive, move up ½ meter in ½ second, abruptly. — the drone will not move up if isActive is false

	When D is pressed, if isActive, move down ½ meter in ½ second, abruptly — the drone will not move down if isActive is false

	When the variable isActive changes, do the startPropellers method

	Let the arrow keys move the drone — These will turn the drone left and right, move the drone forward (up key) and backward (down key)

I have attached an html document of the code for printing, a copy of the working world, and a copy of the drone.a2c class if anyone does not have it in their gallery.

Let me know if you are using Alice 3, as the events will be different (and I would be curious as to what model the students were using.)

Please let me know if you have any questions.

All the best,
Don Slater

Alice Project

> On Jan 13, 2020, at 3:06 PM, Hautmann, Carl <HautmannC at> wrote:
> I have a few students working on a project where they are trying to move a drone.  When they press a key, they are trying to spin a propeller.  They have assigned it to one set of keys but are trying to move it to the arrow keys and it is not working.  Is there a way to assign the action to an alphumeric set as well as the arrow keys?
> Carl J. Hautmann
> Director of Bands
> Northern Middle School
> 413-550-9230
> "I would teach children music, physics, and philosophy; but most importantly music, for the patterns in music and all the arts are the keys to learning"
> -Plato
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