alice-teacher Alice Educator's Email List

Frank Hulsman frankhulsman at
Tue Feb 12 14:17:44 EST 2019

 Don, I'm now retired, as a classroom teacher.  I've been a long time user of Alice and enjoy staying connected to the project.  I am a consultant for the college board, for the AP CSP course.  I am also a reader for the AP CSP Exam.  Here are some links about me, that hopefully verify that I am a teacher / retired teacher.

Frank Hulsmanfrankhulsman at

    On Tuesday, February 12, 2019, 2:01:50 PM EST, Donald Slater <don at> wrote:  
 Thank you for your interest in Alice. The Alice Educators Mailing List is a moderated email list for educators and home school parents who are teaching with Alice or who are considering teaching with Alice (either 2.x or 3.x). The purpose of this list is to provide a quick and easy way to ask questions, post ideas and nifty assignments, and generally support all members of the Alice teaching community.

Users may sometimes post or discuss problem / exam / quiz solutions. In order to protect the integrity of these solutions for the community, we ask users to verify that they are teachers / home school parents by sending us an email address at their school, a URL where they will be listed as a teacher, and / or a form of certification for their home school status.

We appreciate your understanding, and look forward to working with you.

All the best,

Don Slater
Alice Project
Carnegie Mellon University
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