alice-teacher Idea For Plagiarism Detection Feature

Barnum, William wbarnum at
Thu Dec 19 09:04:46 EST 2019

Hey all,

I had a suggestion for a plagiarism prevention feature in Alice3.

What if whenever a new program was created, it would mark the file with a
piece of metadata that was easily checkable in the Alice IDE?

For example, if I created a program under my login (ie. BBarnum) on
12-19-2019 at 8 hours 45 minutes 3 seconds and 431 milliseconds, the code
could look something like 0845030431BBarnum

When the file name was changed or resaved, the original stamp would stay
the same.

As a teacher, I could look and see the original file was created by the
user BBarnum. Even in classrooms where everyone was using the same
username, it is unlikely that they would be creating the file during the
same millisecond.

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