alice-teacher Alice 3 Event Listener Question
Donald Slater
djslater107 at
Thu Nov 9 16:36:54 EST 2017
One solution would be to create a Boolean variable for the Scene / World, maybe called isActive, with an initial value of true.
In the event, create an if... statement
if (isActive)
And then the work of the event would be inside the if statement code block...
You would set the isActive variable to false at the point in the program where the user should NOT be able to move the wolf.
Let me know if you have any questions...
All the best,
Don Slater
Alice Project
Sent from my iPad
> On Nov 9, 2017, at 2:29 PM, Emily Higgins <erphiggins at> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a problem. How can I make an event listener stop working? We have an event listener moving a wolf, and at certain point in the program, the user needs to NOT be able to move the wolf. I can't figure it out.
> Thank you very much,
> Emily Higgins
> STEM/Gifted and Talented
> Boothbay Region High School
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