alice-teacher New Alice Logo, Website, and More

Eric Brown ewbrown at
Thu Jun 1 16:31:36 EDT 2017

Dear All,

I just wanted to write to formally announce the roll out of our new website and logo.  If you haven’t visited the website recently please take a look.  To read more about the motivation behind the changes and other new features to come check here:

We are very excited about the launch and hope it will enable us to better support all of you.  We have had a couple speed bumps related to the migration that have been brought to our attention by many of you so please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or needs due to the changes.

I also wanted to point everyone back to the Wonderland teams VR work.  They completed their semester and have done some very good documentation and analysis related to their exploration of VR to teach CS.  Their actual project code is also being shared through github if anyone was wanting to test them out.

Finally in response to the issues that seem to be coming up a lot lately related to audio being buggy and in some cases crashing and corrupting worlds - We are working on this.  We definitely would appreciate anyone who has had this issue submit their worlds and the audio files to us so we have more data.  We also have a summer intern with audio background coming on board shortly who will be helping us to triage this, create how to materials for prepping audio into the formats that are playing nice, and broadening our provided library.  In the meantime please remind students to save incremental versions of their work and to err on the safe side by saving worlds before running them (we are looking for more data points on the idea that the corrupted worlds are coming from saved worlds that are being saved while Alice is in the error state following audio issues)

I hope everyone is enjoying the end of their semesters and transitioning to summer.

Thank you again for your commitment to Alice and most importantly to helping each other.



Eric Brown
Alice Project
Carnegie Mellon University
e: ewbrown at

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