alice-teacher Please, join us for the first in a series of webinars about Alice in classroom - Feb 17, 2017 (RE: Looking for best practice examples of using Alice in K-12 classrooms)

Darko Jurekovic darko.jurekovic at
Mon Feb 13 07:46:38 EST 2017

Dear all,

First in a series of webinars presenting how Alice is being used in schools around the world will be held on Friday, February 17, 2017.

In this webinar, we'll learn about Alice in Slovenia. The presenters are Samo Jamšek and Matjaž Marussig.

Samo is teaching in primary school for 16 years. He teaches chemistry, physics, robotics, computer networks and early programming with Alice and Scratch for children of age 10 - 15. He also has introductory courses for children who want to write simple applications in Java, JavaScript and create web pages. He is co-author of several textbooks for primary school and participated in different projects of introducing ICT into teaching.

Matjaž is independent software vendor. He has a 25-years-long career in IT, is Oracle business partner and founder of educational institution "Cloudy School" in Slovenia. Institution provides insights into the latest achievements in IT to children aged 10 - 15, starting with Alice.

The webinar will begin at 13:00 Central European Time, will be in English language and will last for approximately 60 minutes.

The link for webinar is:
The technology used for these webinars is provided by Croatian Academic and Research Network, CARNet.
Technical support is provided by colleagues from Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing at the University of Zagreb.

We cordially invite you to join Matjaž, Samo and us on Friday, February 17, 2017 at 13:00 CET, and we look forward to your participation.

Best regards,


From: Darko Jurekovic [mailto:darko.jurekovic at]
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 4:41 PM
To: alice-teachers at
Subject: Looking for best practice examples of using Alice in K-12 classrooms

Dear colleagues!

We plan to organize a series of webinars for K-12 teachers in several Eastern European countries, including:

  1.  Bosnia and Herzegovina
  2.  Croatia
  3.  Czech Republic
  4.  Estonia
  5.  Hungary
  6.  Latvia
  7.  Lithuania
  8.  Poland
  9.  Slovakia
  10. Slovenia

We would like to present to the teachers interested few best practices of using Alice as a teaching tool in Computer Science Classes in K-12 environment.

If you would like to share your experiences with us in a 45-60 min long on-line webinar format, we would be very grateful.

Please, get back to me with your contact details for further discussion and setting up of the webinar.

Thank you very much in advance and best regards,

Darko Jureković
Oracle Academy Program Manager for abovementioned countries.
Darko.Jurekovic at<mailto:Darko.Jurekovic at>
Darko.Jurekovic at<mailto:Darko.Jurekovic at>
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