alice-teacher Angry Queen Crash When Editing Size and Location Properties

Long, Adenia adenia.long at
Thu Feb 2 08:31:37 EST 2017

The only thing we can come up with, is to save the Alice world, close Alice, and reopen the program.  Some machines experience glitches where they can't resize/move yet others don't. Could be a lack of resources . I really don't know, but it's frustrating.

Not much of a "work around" but that is what we do.

Adenia Long

Business / Gaming

Southwest Middle School

From: alice-teachers < at> on behalf of Barnum, William via alice-teachers <alice-teachers at>
Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2017 1:36:07 PM
To: alice-teachers at
Subject: alice-teacher Angry Queen Crash When Editing Size and Location Properties

My students have been reporting some Angry Queen Crashes lately when editing the size and x,y,z properties of objects in 3.3.

Has anyone else run into the issue and/or found a workaround?

Bill Barnum
Computer Science Teacher
York Community High School
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