alice-teacher Camera following object

Don Slater don at
Fri Sep 16 12:23:13 EDT 2016

Here is a video that will show you how you might do this: <>

The video is in reference to Alice 3, but the techniques shown are almost exactly the same for Alice 2. (Instead of the moveAndOrientTo command of Alice 3, you would use setPointOfView command in Alice 2.)

Using the properties panel is virtually the same for Alice 2 and Alice 3

The video shows how the code can be created with events, but you can use the same code statements in myFirstMethod. myFirstMethod might look like

	camera.setPointOfView (targetObject)  — if you want to leave the camera where it is, so you would not use this command
	camera.setVehicle(targetObject) — this is the important command… The camera will move, turn and roll with the target object,

	// the program code that you want to execute while the camera is following the target object

	// when you are ready to return the camera to it’s original position and / or have it stop following the target object
	camera.setPointOfView(original position)

Please let us know if you have any other questions…

All the best,
Don Slater

> On Sep 15, 2016, at 10:05 PM, Sheree Wilder via alice-teachers <alice-teachers at> wrote:
> I am newly teaching Alice to 8th grade and I can't remember how to have a camera follow an object from one room to another with each room being in it's own camera view. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you.
> Sheree Wilder
> Sent from my iPhone
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