alice-teacher Help Needed: Alice 2.4 Clock Project
Nichols, Denise
dnichols at
Mon Oct 24 15:50:08 EDT 2016
I am using the *Alice in Action* textbook written by Joel Adams. In
Chapter 4 Flow Control, there is a programming project that my class and I
just cannot figure out. I have the solution file, but we are not sure how
it was coded. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Here is the directions from the textbook:
Programming Project 4.10
>From the Alice Gallery, choose a clock class that has subparts for the
minute and hour hands.
a. Build a clock method named *run ( )* that moves the minute and hour
hands realistically (that is, each time the minute hand compeltes a
rotation, the hour hand should advance 1 hour). Define a parameter named
*speedUp* that controls the duration of the hand movements, such that* run
(0) *will make the clock run at normal speed, *run (60)* will make the
clock run at 60 times its normal speed, run* (3600) *will make the clock
run at 3600 its normal speed, and so on.
b. Build a clock method *setTime(h, m)* that sets the clock's time to *h:m*
(*m* minutes after hour *h*).
c. Build three functions for your clock: one that returns its current time
(as a *String*), one that returns its current hours value (as a *Number*),
and one that returns its current minutes value (as a *Number*).
d. Build a clock method *setAlarm (h, m) *that lets you set the clock's
alarm to *h:m.* Then modify your *run( ) *method so that when the clock's
current time is equal to *m* minutes after hour *h*, the clock plays a
Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks so much!
Denise Nichols
*Computer Teacher*
*York Catholic High School*
*dnichols at <dnichols at>*
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