alice-teacher Alice 3.2 on a PC

Pappafotopoulos, Dianne pappafotopoulosd at
Thu Mar 31 10:52:16 EDT 2016

We are having the same issues with Alice 3.2 on both the MAC and Windows
side. The weird thing is that it is random. It will work perfectly for a
particular scene, and then if the student tries another scene, they can't
use the "handles" at all. When they click on the object, it automatically
switches the selection to "this" and they can only move the camera.

On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 8:31 PM, Pratt, Reyna via alice-teachers <
alice-teachers at> wrote:

> Hi,
> This problem happened in class today and it's happening on my PC laptop as
> well, with Alice 3.2:
> After we add objects to the scene, we can't click on the objects to access
> the rotation circles (or the translational arrows). We only can click on
> the ground, no matter where we click.
> My students who are working on Macs do not seem to have this issue.
> Ideas on how to fix this?
> Thanks,
> Reyna Pratt
> The Madeira School
> McLean, VA
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Dianne M. Pappafotopoulos
K-12 Instructional Technology Specialist/Teacher
Dover Sherborn Public Schools
157 Farm Street, Dover, MA 02030
phone: 508.785.1730 x7217
email: pappafotopoulosd at

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