alice-teacher Alice 3.2 lighting question

Leonel Morales litomd at
Sun Apr 10 12:27:10 EDT 2016


The light in Alice 3 seems to come from a certain fixed angle and
there is no way to move the light source or point it in a different

Moving the objects along with the camera seems to be the only solution.

In the attached a3p file there is only a billboard and a text, both of
them should be white but due to angle of light they look gray.

I found that setting their vehicles to the camera and turning it
forward 0.083 is the best angle to make them look white, or the color
you choose.

The only solution seems then to turn all objects with the camera 0.083
forward, or the angle of your choice for the shading you need.



2016-04-01 8:03 GMT-06:00, Kennedy, Kevin (Computer Technician) via
alice-teachers <alice-teachers at>:
> Does anyone know how to create directional lighting in Alice 3.2?
> Some of the students studying in the Digital Media Arts field where asking.
> Thanks
> KK
> Kevin M. Kennedy
> Instructional Assistant / Technician
> [cid:image001.png at 01D11BBA.09889CB0]
> Jefferson County-DuBois Area Vocational Technical School
> 576 Vo Tech Road
> Reynoldsville, Pa 15851
> 814-653-8265 x184
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