alice-teacher Alice 3 Comparing colors of an object

Steven Jang sjang at
Fri Apr 8 12:30:06 EDT 2016

I found a post by S. Rodger with the question of comparing if two objects
have the same colors.,

My students have a similar problem for a class project and I found your
post of 11/25/2013.

Our project randomly flips 4x4 discs. When you get four disc in a row with
the same colors, you win. We can't find a way to use an if statement to do

Did the Alice 3 team find a solution  to compare if the colors of two
objects are the same? I could not after searching the web.


*T H E  O P P O R T U N I T Y  T O  B E  M E**A Private Preparatory School
for Grades 7 through 12*

*S T E V E  J A N G*
*PACIFIC ACADEMY |* Computer Science/Math instructor
Email:  SJang at
<ayu at>

*Irvine Campus*4947 Alton Parkway, Irvine, CA 92604
Phone: (949) 398-5288, Fax: (949) 398-5289

*San Diego Campus*679 Encinitas Blvd,  #205, Encinitas, CA 92024
Phone: (760) 634-1188, Fax: (760) 436-5718
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