alice-teacher HeBuilder / SheBuilder

Don Slater dslater at
Thu Mar 12 10:33:37 EDT 2015

> Folks - 
> ​​sorry I missed this but I know there was a discussion about what happened to the people builder in 2.4 - is it coming back

In Alice 2.4.1 and following, you will find in Edit: Preferences: Seldom Used tab an option to “show he/she builder in the gallery”. Click on this preference and you will be able to find them in the Gallery in the People section.

See the attached screen shot.
This preference was added to the latest version of Alice to address the modesty concerns of some of our users.

> dowloaded a file (bunny hop/broccoli)  from the Duke page but it was awc (?) - what is that? doesn't work

an .a2c file is an Alice object, not an alice world (.a2w). You would use the File menu -> Import command t add this bunny to an Alice world you are building

> getting a small middle school group going after school, looks like I can teach it in as an enrichment class for the last marking period, so any favorite middle school lessons that you can share are appreciated
> one more, how can I print the code on handout?

In the File menu there should be a print option that will allow you to select what you want printed and then generate an .html file that you will then print…

Hope this helps… Let us know if you have ny other questions…

All the best,
Don Slater
Alce Project

> thanks - Carolyn

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