alice-teacher Introduction - Looking for Home Schoolers (??) or Others to connect with here...

Michael Vizdos mvizdos at
Tue Feb 10 10:50:25 EST 2015


I am new to this list and wanted to introduce myself.

My name is Mike Vizdos and I live in Richmond, Virginia.

My wife has home schooled our two kids (secular, through all grades) and my
oldest son is now in a Computer IT program at a local high school.  I think
he will be introduced to this concept next year and he is into the visual
part of designing systems.

My youngest son (6th grade - he is 11) is a little computer geek [good
thing!].  He is into Minecraft (runs his own server and has a community)
and playing around with plug-ins.  My wife is doing the heavy-lifting with
his education and I volunteered to help with the computer programming piece
of things (more of my background).

I downloaded Alice 2 last week and we started in on the tutorials.

Want to see if there are others here I can connect with (in home school or
not!) who can help me with more of a formal curriculum and perhaps even
other kids that he can work with through this.

Please contact me off-list (so we don't bog it down here) and we can go
from there.

I'll look froward to seeing what I can help contribute to this group.

Thank you.

- mike vizdos
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