alice-teacher Alice 3.1 World code needed (similar to Greenfoot.stop)

Grim, Dianne Dianne.Grim at
Tue Nov 11 09:49:48 EST 2014

Is there a piece of code that will enable the Alice 3.1 program to know when to end?
The queen is chasing the rabbit.  The rabbit hops into a hole and disappears.  The queen moves towards the rabbit (orients toward the hole).
What we need:
Once the rabbit goes into the hole, and the queen orients toward the hole/rabbit, we want the program to automatically end.

Greenfoot has the Greenfoot.stop() method that stops the execution of a game when a specific action occurs, is there anything similar in Alice 3.1?
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated!

Dianne K.L. Grim, MEd
Rockville High School
Computer Science Dept.
860-870-6050  x131

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