alice-teacher rounding a number

Robert Durtschi robert.durtschi at
Thu Nov 6 10:44:52 EST 2014

In general Round is a function and expects to be on the right hand side of the equal sign. i.e.

result = round(value)

We are still using Alice 2.x at GCSU, so I'm not sure if the procedure is the same for Alice 3:

1. Drag the variable "result" into the edit area.
2. Select "set value" and choose an arbitrary placeholder value ,1.0 as an example.
3. Drag "round a" from the function area (World details Function tab for Alice 2.x) on top of the 1
4. It should now say result = set value to round(1). Drag variable "value" down an replace the 1

The final line should be: result = set value to round(value)

Message: 1

Hello -
One of my students wants to round a decimal number.  How do I use round,
min, and max in the math section of Alice 3?

Thank you,
Emily Higgins
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