alice-teacher Graphic Computer Programming Additional Curriculum

Edward Bujak edward_bujak at
Thu May 15 11:41:32 EDT 2014

Studying computer languages is a worthwhile endeavor, but I would not do this in the intro CS course; especially for non-CS majors.
I do agree that this is important when trying to understand how the high level code maps into assembly ... especially for speed and efficiency considerations.  It is eye-opening to deliberately write a "bad" code snippet and critically analyzing the assembly -and- follow that that with a "well" written snippet.
I do not believe optimizing compilers is an excuse for writing bad code.  😏
--Ed BujakCSTA>>Philly - VP

Date: Thu, 15 May 2014 11:19:15 -0400
From: michael.kazis at
To: alice-teachers at
Subject: Re: alice-teacher Graphic Computer Programming Additional Curriculum

Alice is based on Java. Perhaps you can assign them an actual java program that uses methods and let them see the similarities between alice and the Java language.
On May 15, 2014 8:33 AM, "Emily Higgins" <erphiggins at> wrote:

Dear All - I have taught Alice in my programming class for the past three years.  I need to add more to the course - I have become more efficient in my teaching.  Does anyone have particular recommendations of what languages or projects I could add for the portion of the year after I've used Alice?  I would like it to be something different from Alice.

Thank you all -Emily HigginsBoothbay Region High SchoolBoothbay Harbor, Maine

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