alice-teacher Alice 3.0 to a movie?

Don Slater djslater107 at
Fri May 9 11:01:03 EDT 2014

 Use screen capture software, such as Camtasia or Jing, to capture the playback of the Alice animation on your computer screen, not using the Alice export File command. 
For Mac OS X, there is video screen capture capability built into QuickTime Player, which comes with the Mac. See the following link for more information: 

I hope that this helps…

Don Slater

On May 9, 2014, at 10:53 AM, terry morley <terrymorley2002 at> wrote:

> Hello, we are using Alice 3.0 in our eighth grade computer class. Does anyone have the directions to create a movie of the final project. My student would like to put the project on his own google site.
> Thank you for any help you can give.
> (sorry if I missed any previous response.)
> Terry Morley
> Terry Morley
> Technology Teacher and Coordinator
> Mater Dei Catholic School
> 493 E. Main Street
> Lansdale, PA 19446
> 215-368-0995
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