alice-teacher Alice 3 Capstone Project

Thomas White thomaswhite at
Mon Mar 31 13:54:50 EDT 2014

I am pioneering a TouchDevelop programming class this year.  It's an excellent introductory language that works from any browser.  Sharing scripts via private publishing is particularly slick.  The Microsoft textbook is terrible--only use it for yourself, not for your students.  However, the lab manual, TouchDevelop Nuts and Bolts, published by Falafel Software, is excellent for students.  Here's a link
I went through the exercises in this textbook in one weekend, and felt that I had a pretty good grasp of the basics.  Microsoft developed this language for Windows phones, and it directly installs on a Windows8 phone.  However, the web-based App works fine on almost anything.  My students usually preferred building their scripts on their iPads, or on the Macs in our computer lab.  The web-based App is free.  Your students only need to create an ID to access it, and it accepts Microsoft, Facebook, Google, or Yahoo IDs.

Sent from my iPad

> On Mar 31, 2014, at 9:28 AM, "Emily Higgins" <erphiggins at> wrote:
> Hi All -
>  I am teaching a graphic computer programming class and switched to Alice 3 this year.  We also have been doing some work with CodeHS, but I want to get back to more graphically oriented programming.  I am looking for suggestions of directions to take for a project, either with Alice 3.0 or with another language, that would let students show their knowledge and creativity around programming in general.  They already have done a film fest with animated shorts.  Ideas, anyone?
> Thank you,
> Emily Higgins
> Boothbay Region HS,
> Boothbay Harbor, Maine
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