alice-teacher screen turning black

Don Slater dslater at
Fri Dec 12 06:53:01 EST 2014

We have seen this as well, but not often enough for us to get figure out what is going… My guess is that it has something to do with the video card, but it is only a guess… You might try and update the drivers on your video cards (see this link for more information: And it is true that restarting Alice tends to resolve the problem, but it certainly is irritating.

Have you noticed if it is the same machine or set of machines in your lab?

Thank you,
Don Slater

> On Dec 11, 2014, at 9:57 PM, Laurie Solomon Cohen <lscohen613 at> wrote:
> Is there a reason why sometimes the screen will turn black? It seems for no reason. Most times if the student just shuts it down and then reopens Alice (we're using 2.4.2), it is fine.
> Are we doing something that causes this?
> Laurie Cohen
> Yeshiva of Greater Washington
> Silver Spring, Maryland
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