alice-teacher Numhits string problem - s Digest, Vol 45, Issue 14

Robert Durtschi robert.durtschi at
Mon Apr 21 21:10:28 EDT 2014

It would be helpful if you would specify which version of Alice you are using and perhaps a bit more detail - code fragment, etc.
I've checked both Alice 2.3.5 and Alice 2.4.1 and neither has as far as I can tell a "Zombie Game"


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 10:57:25 -0600
From: Eric Hillstrom <ehillstrom at>
Subject: alice-teacher Numhits string problem
To: "alice-teachers at"
        <alice-teachers at>
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Submitted by Kyle (student)

 I creating a story but using the game play example based on the Simple
Game in ALICE Tutorial (Zombie Game) by Barb Ericson

During the game play (numhits) are not recording and stays in the loop.  I
have a dragon and a princess and you are supposed to click on the dragon 5
times.  When clicked on 5 times, the dragon should let the princess pass
and continue with the world method.  It seems like the computer is not
registering the number of hits and breaking the loop. See code attached.

Thanks for your help.



Eric Hillstrom
Teacher, CTE/Technology
Durango High School
970-259-1630 x2204
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