alice-teacher saved He-builder?

Susan Rodger rodger at
Fri Oct 25 07:48:07 EDT 2013

If you are using Alice 2.3, we have a tutorial that shows you how to save
out a character with its properties, methods, functions and events. You cannot save other
objects with it, but you can use object parameters to your methods and
functions to save some of that interaction.

See the tutorial called: Creating a Fancier Chicken: Inheritance

Susan Rodger, Professor of the Practice
Computer Science, LSRC D237
308 Research Drive, Box 90129
Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0129
Email:	rodger at      URL:
Phone: (919)-660-6595           Fax: (919)-660-6519

Must include BOX number on all US Mail!

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