alice-teacher Fwd: Alice and Special Education

Susan Rivas susanmrivas at
Mon Nov 25 12:38:53 EST 2013

Hi Edward,
Yes, I have successfully used Alice 2.2 with Special Education students. I
try to pair them with regular education students when possible. Sometimes
in class I have an Adult Aide which I would recommend, if you can get one.
The Special Ed students do not do as much work, since they need more time
to understand concepts, but they do benefit from doing programming. Also,
some of the students become very frustrated because it is so detailed
oriented. I also provide additional help when they have to storyboard and
then create their game. I teach and reteach them the skills they need to
create their own game. Also, some of my students who work in Alice 3.1
watch the YouTube movies posted, while they are in Alice, to help them
remember how to do methods, etc. Once I had one student who could not
understand the concepts, so he was assigned an alternative project.

Hope that helps.
Take care,

On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 6:13 AM, Don Slater <dslater at> wrote:

> See the request below:
> Don
> Begin forwarded message:
> *From: *"Fisher, Edward S." <EFisher at>
> *Subject: **Alice and Special Education*
> *Date: *November 22, 2013 at 9:05:26 AM EST
> *To: *"'Don Slater'" <dslater at>
> Don Could you post this on the Listserv?
> Thanks.
> Does anyone have any experience using Alice with Special Education
> students?
> If so, would you be willing to share them with me?
> Thanks.
> Edward S. Fisher
> Neptune Middle School
> Teacher of Mathematics and Computers
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> alice-teachers mailing list
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Susan Rivas
Shoreline Middle School
855 17th Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA 95062
(831)475-6565 ext. 214
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