alice-teacher unable to hear mp3 files

Wendy Evans wendy_evans at
Tue Dec 17 09:58:37 EST 2013

I have found that the .wav works the best in Alice2.x. I too have not had much luck importing .mp3 files. We use Audacity and export them to .wav and then import into Alice.
Miss Wendy Sue Evans
Conestoga Valley High School
Math and Computer Science Teacher

From: at [ at] On Behalf Of Laurie Solomon Cohen
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 11:48 PM
To: alice-teachers at
Subject: alice-teacher unable to hear mp3 files

My students have imported sounds into their Alice stories.
But today a student downloaded several sound effects .mp3 files and then imported them into her Alice story, but couldn't hear them. Then she imported a .wav file and it worked. Do only .wav files work?
I wanted to send the actual Alice file, but forgot to save it from the school network today, to send out tonight. If the answer to this requires seeing the code, I can send it tomorrow.

Laurie Cohen
Yeshiva of Greater Washington
Silver Spring, MD
LSCohen613 at<mailto:LSCohen613 at>
240-793-1269 cell
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