alice-teacher Plan of class - HELCLA
Helio Moreira da Silva
heliomoreira.silva at
Mon Dec 16 05:41:07 EST 2013
Hello Ron Peal and evebody
I'm starting to learn Alice, but I do not know what where to start!
What version of Alice should teach pre-school, elementary and high school?
What is "Story Telling Alice"?
Is there a difference between Alice Alice 2 and 3?
Can I install 3 Alice and teaching at all stages: pre-school, elementary
and high school?
Or to teach in pre-school, I install 2 Alice?
a hug and greetings.
*Att. Hélio Moreira da Silva*
*Coordenador de Projetos - Agencia Inova Paula Souza Área de concentração -
Empreendedorismo e Startups *
*Agente Local de Inovação - Etec - Professor Alfredo de Barros
*ETEC Fone: 12-3125-3821*
E-mail: heliomoreira.silva at
Skype: heliomoreira.silva at
2013/12/14 Ron Peal <rspeal at>
> I've been teaching Alice for many years, and normally make my own lesson
> plans for teaching my students. I have taught Alice to Kindergarten
> children (advanced) all the way up to University students.
> Generally, I show small examples of what the students can do, and then I
> have them create animations which parallel my examples.
> For very young children, I usually use "Story Telling Alice", and for the
> older students, I use Alice (version 2.3).
> Please let me know if you have any ??
> Happy teaching
> Ron Peal
> On Saturday, December 14, 2013 10:12 AM, Helio Moreira da Silva <
> heliomoreira.silva at> wrote:
> Hello
> I would like an example of a lesson plan or teaching project for me use.The
> I would like to know which version of Alice is to pre-school, elementary
> and high school?
> Where can I find and download?
> regards
> *Att. Hélio Moreira da Silva*
> *Coordenador de Projetos - Agencia Inova Paula Souza Área de concentração
> - Empreendedorismo e Startups *
> *Agente Local de Inovação - Etec - Professor Alfredo de Barros
> SantosGuaratinguetá-SP*
> *ETEC Fone: 12-3125-3821 <12-3125-3821>*
> E-mail: heliomoreira.silva at
> Skype: heliomoreira.silva at
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