alice-teacher tutorial errors

Moran, Deborah - The Academy - Teacher deborah.moran at
Wed Aug 28 17:35:20 EDT 2013

I had a similar problem last spring. Don posted a way to bypass the hanging point then, but I can't seem to put ny hands on it tight now and am out of town for the next few weeks. Maybe someone else remembers? It seems like we just had to skip that page in the tutorial

Deb Moran

Sent from my Android

-----Original message-----
From: Sandy Graham <sandyg at>
To: &apos;Alice educators&apos; <alice-teachers at>
Sent: Wed, Aug 28, 2013 21:29:27 GMT+00:00
Subject: alice-teacher tutorial errors

I have two students who downloaded the latest update of Alice version 2 (2.3.5) from the web site and are working through the tutorials.  I’ve used the tutorials every year with no problems, but this year both boys are having trouble on tutorial 4, one on a PC and the other on a Mac.  The program tells them they’ve made an error, won’t move on, and various miscellaneous errors.  Is anyone else experiencing similar problems?

Your sister in Christ,

Sandy Graham

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