alice-teacher Alice Symposium 2013 and updates on Duke Alice pages

Susan Rodger rodger at
Tue Sep 11 14:03:43 EDT 2012

1) The Third Alice Symposium will be held on June 19, 2013. 
It will include two-day workshops the two days before and also
the two-days afterwards on Alice 2.3 and Alice 3.1.

Info on the Alice Symposium is brief currently but here is the website:

Consider submitting a paper, poster or student worlds.

More information will be available on this website later this fall.

2) For those of you using the Duke Alice materials, we have
added more curriculum materials to our web pages over the summer. 

We updated the Alice tutorial page with new tutorials
written over the summer, including Challenges, helper objects, 
and more project tutorials. We also added dates beside tutorials 
so you can tell which ones are new.

Teachers this summer wrote new lesson plans that are now on 
our lesson plan page.

A student made a 3 minute video about the Duke Alice workshop
this summer. I linked it in on our main page under "Alice Workshops" the
second paragraph mentions her 3-minute video.

Susan H. Rodger, Professor of the Practice
Computer Science Dept. Box 90129, Duke University, Durham NC 27708-0129
Email: rodger at     URL:
Phone: (919)-660-6595         Fax: (919)-660-6519

Susan H. Rodger, Professor of the Practice
Computer Science Dept. Box 90129, Duke University, Durham NC 27708-0129
Email: rodger at     URL:
Phone: (919)-660-6595         Fax: (919)-660-6519

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