alice-teacher maximum size of ALICE file

Don Slater dslater at
Wed Nov 28 14:46:52 EST 2012

There are limits to the size of the world that Alce handles well, but unfortunately there is no hard and fast rule, as different Alice models have different sizes, and the introduction of sound and 2D images files further complicates the issue.

There are a couple of guidelines I give my students:

1) Build the bare bones of the system first. Only put in enough background scenery as you need to give the user of your project an idea of setting. Once the critical elements of the project are complete, then add the background props and scenery to dil out the project.

2) While working on your project save multiple versions, frequently, sequentially numbered (i.e. MyProject_1,  MyProject_2, MyProject_3, etc) so that if and when the project starts to have problems, the student can go back to previous versions without having lost everything.

3) Lower their expectations. Remind them that Alice was originally designed and built as a Rapid Prototyping Tool for the creation of 3D Virtual Worlds. It was not expected that Alice projects would be finished products such as World of Warcraft, or as complex, but instead were designed to be proof-of-concept, first draft representations of what the finished project might look like. Many o four students want to be the next great game maker, but Alce is nt the tool to get them there. But working with Alice should be a start in developing the skills necessary to become…

I am looking forward to what other ideas members of the community will have in answer to this question.

Thank you,
Don Slater

On Nov 28, 2012, at 2:15 PM, "Graham, Paul (Tony)" <tgraham at> wrote:

> Hello,
> Is there a maximum file size that ALICE will support?  My students are going to start creating games and a couple of them have asked.
> Thanks
> Tony Graham
> PLTW Lead Teacher, AP Computer Science, & CTE Teacher
> UIL Computer Science
> SkillsUSA
> Flour Bluff ISD
> 2505 Waldron Rd.
> Corpus Christi, TX  78418
> 361-694-9153
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