alice-teacher Alice --> Java mediated transfer : Hiccup

Jey Veerasamy jeyv at
Sat Jun 16 20:41:47 EDT 2012

I attended SIGCSE 2012 and I was impressed by the presentation in which
Alice team showed how to import Alice project into Netbeans and continue
coding in Java. I was hoping to show it to students this week.
Unfortunately, I have trouble in importing Alice project. Netbeans gives
this cryptic "org.lgna.project.ast.NamedUserType" error message. Can I get
some help to get past this error message, please? Thanks!

[image: Inline image 1]

Dr. Jey Veerasamy, Erik Jonsson School, UT Dallas
CS Teaching Faculty + Director of CS UTDesign Program
972-767-7219 ECSS 3.231 jeyv at
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