alice-teacher Online Course in creating 3D characters for online games

Don Slater dslater at
Wed Jul 25 10:39:11 EDT 2012

John DeRiggi is a character modeler and animator. Currently at Schell Games, he has been the supervising character animation lead for Toy Story Mania at Disney World, coordinating the animation process with Pixar Animation Studios and Walt Disney Imagineering. He has also been working with the Alice Project in the development of models for Alice 3. He will soon be teaching an online course that may be of interest to some. 

It is an online workshop for a website called CG Society, one of the largest and best known sites in the world for computer graphics art.  So anyone in the world can take this course, which is pretty awesome!  

It is a course in creating 3D characters for online games.  The workshop link is  This provides all the info on the course.  It starts at the end of August and is a 3 week course.  Signup information is on the workshop link above as well.  

Thanks so much!  

John's contact information:

John DeRiggi
Character Artist
Schell Games

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