alice-teacher Question about Strange Behavior -- Alice 2.2

robert durtschi robert_durtschi at
Mon Jul 2 14:29:59 EDT 2012

When I download student files under Windows 7 from the school grading system (georgiaview) it tries to rename the extension to .zip. I am able to name it back to A2C, after going through a couple of steps and doing a save as.  Out of curiosity I unzipped one of the files and looked at the content.  It consisted of 3 or 4 files: elementCountHint.txt, elementData.xml,  and sometimes a preview image in .png format. 
The text file has a number in it. The .xml (eXtended Markup Language) file looks like the Java code and the python file (.py), well... since I don't have python on this computer I can't see the content and windows 7 (apparently) unlike XP doesn't have an "open with" option with which I could open it with notepad.  
You can rename a file in Windows XP and Windows 7 by pressing the F2 key.  Windows 7 tries to protect you from changing the extension from .zip to .a2c, but you Can override it if you insist.  Alice 2.2 (03-01-2012) works with the renamed file just fine as long as you don't remove any of the files in the compressed file.
Bob Durtschi


 From: Sam Black <samblack at>
To: Alice educators <alice-teachers at> 
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: alice-teacher Question about Strange Behavior -- Alice 2.2


We are using Windows 7 Professional.  They did have the A2C option selected when they were saving it.  It goes through the process of telling us that it's writing it all out but when we go and look for it, all we see is a folder (not a compressed folder) with all the info inside.

Would it be useful to possibly zip it back up and change the file type back to A2C manually?  


Sam Black

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 7:19 AM, Don Slater <dslater at> wrote:

>An Alice .a2c file is a compressed file, and it sounds like the operating system of these students recognize this, and is uncompressing these files for the students automatically… What is the OS of these students? When they are saving the object, have they selected the Files of Type: option as "A2C (Alice Object Files)", and not "All Files"? 
>Don Slater
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