alice-teacher Workshops at SIGCSE

Wanda Dann wpdann at
Mon Jan 30 12:29:20 EST 2012

On behalf of the Alice team, I wish to invite you to attend one of the 
Alice workshops, scheduled as
Pre-Symposium events. The Alice workshops were added to the SIGCSE 2012
program and registration process late (due to a delay in Carnegie 
Mellon's budget's office).
We apologize for this inconvenience.

Alice 2.2 and Alice 3 workshops are each 6-hours (9AM - 5 PM, with 
breaks for lunch & snax)
and the fee is $25 to partially assist in covering cost of A/V, lunch, 
and breaks.

You can view the workshop descriptions at:

The Alice 2.2 workshop will include a copy of the most recent version of 
Alice 2.2,
with a Spanish version option. The Alice 3 workshop will include a 
preview of the
non-beta, production level version to be released later in 2012.

If you have registered early for SIGCSE, you may not have been aware of 
the workshops being offered.
If you have already registered for the conference but wish to add one of 
the workshops to
your schedule, you can modify your registration by clicking on the
"View or Change Your Existing Registration" link at

If you have not yet registered for SIGCSE, please note that the Early 
Registration rate
expire tomorrow, Jan. 31st.

If you wish to attend the workshop but are not registering for the 
SIGCSE conference, please contact
me directly:   wpdann at

Best wishes,

/Wanda Dann
Director, Alice Project
Carnegie Mellon University/
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