alice-teacher merge option

Don Slater dslater at
Wed Jan 25 11:28:00 EST 2012

Alice 2.2 does not easily support this functionality, unfortunately. The ability to create characters with their own methods and saving them so that they can be imported into another world, as you have noted, is as close as Alice comes.

It sounds like you are interested in projects with multiple scenes. Storytelling Alice tried to go down this path, and it was never fully implemented. One roadblock for the Alice system is the number and the memory requirements for numerous models can often overwhelm Alice.

Alice 3 is being designed to better support multiple scenes and the types of projects you have in mind, but it will not be available until next fall.

I know that members of the community have had projects similar to what you are describing, and I expect that we will see some good suggestions.

One possible workaround would be to have your students create the different worlds, and then create videos of these worlds (using screen capture software utilities) that can be edited together into one large video. This will work well for stories and movies, but is not satisfactory if someone were interested in creating multi-level games.

Don Slater

On Jan 25, 2012, at 3:51 AM, Matjaz Marussig wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> I've got students between 9 and 15 y.o., and we are interesting if exists any possibility to merge different Alice worlds into one big Alice world? To join not only object, but complete worlds. Or, if possible to built, for example, server based world as one common world with possibility programming this world as multiuser acces.
> Thanks for help. 
> Yours Sincerely,
> Matjaz
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