alice-teacher Request for Alice Math Games

Don Slater dslater at
Thu Dec 13 13:14:55 EST 2012

A request:

Other than the math games/tutorials I found on the Duke Adventures in Alice site,, are you aware of any collections of Alice math games?  I spoke to an 8th grade math teacher (Melissa Harding) who thought showing these to her students might be a good intro to Alice.  While she may not have time in her curriculum to teach them how to create their own worlds this year, if she had a way to show the demos related to the curriculum she may be able to inspire their interest to use Alice in an after-school club.


Kathy Menchaca
ITEST Program Manager
Stanford University
menchaca at


If anyone has these type of resources, I would be happy to collect them and post them on the curriki.

You could send the actual resources, or send web links. This curriki is designed to be exactly this type of repository. 

Dr. Susan Rodger already has set up a Teacher lesson plans page which is categorized and (has some math examples also).  I will be cross listing this page on the curriki. I have already listed her Alice Educator's web site at the curriki.

All the best,
Don Slater

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