alice-teacher Alice 2 or 3?

Lance Allen lanceallen.allen at
Mon Aug 20 11:17:19 EDT 2012

Laurie, et al,
Alice v2.2 release 8-5-2011 included the ability to export a world for Web
display, however it required the viewer's computer to have a Java-enabled
browser, and the viewer had to have downloaded and installed Java 3D and
Java Media Frameworks in order to watch the animation. After downloading
and installing the files I found it very easy to export a world for web
display, however how many students have Java 3D or Java Media Frameworks
installed on their home computers?

I wound up spending $39.95 for a product called WM Capture and we recorded the
student's finished animations into .wmv, Windows Media format. Now they
could send their animations to anyone with a computer running WINDOWS. I've
used this to share some of my student's work with the LIST and it's worked
very well.

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 9:09 AM, Laurie Solomon Cohen <lscohen613 at>wrote:

> Thanks Lance.  I was thinking the same thing, as my upcoming 12th grade
> class is probably more at 8 or 9 level. I want them to have success with
> whatever we do. The objectives you list are the same--very basic problem
> solving, analytical thinking and basic syntax. Then we move onto another
> program.   I've had very good experience with Alice 2.2, but we still
> couldn't get it to export as a video or webpage, so it was impossible for
> the students to share their projects with non-Alice viewers. They created a
> basic HTML webpage/portfolio as their end-of-semester project to showcase
> all their work, and couldn't include their Alice projects !   Any
> suggestions?
> Laurie Cohen
> Technology Coordinator/Business Instructor
> Yeshiva of Greater Washington
> Silver Spring, Maryland LCohen at
> LSCohen613 at
> 240-793-1269 cell
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lance Allen <lanceallen.allen at>
> To: Alice educators <alice-teachers at>
> Sent: Mon, Aug 20, 2012 8:13 am
> Subject: Re: alice-teacher Alice 2 or 3?
>  Laurie,
> I use Alice v2.2 for my 9th graders at Beth Tfiloh. I do this because the
> majoriity of the students have never been exposed to 'programming'. I use
> v2.2 to teach/demonstrate sound practices in structure, style, fundamental
> syntax, debugging, and problem solving skills. I have had great success
> with v2.2 and 97% of the students continue with Computer Science into the
> 10th grade Advanced Placement (AP) course.
> Alice v3.0 is a great program. I have been playing with it for almost 2
> years now as it was being developed. I personally like that you can begin
> an animation using Alice and mid-way into the program you can export
> everything to Java. (Although it is a one-way street - you can not convert
> your Java back into Alice.) The reason I am not currently contemplating
> incorporating it into the curriculumn is because I do not believe my 9s
> would be successful with it and I do not have time to include Java Swing
> syntax in their lessons.
> I hope this helps and have a G-R-E-A-T school year.
> Lance Allen
>  On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 4:29 PM, Laurie Solomon Cohen <lscohen613 at
> > wrote:
>> I have a similar question, but almost in reverse. We are using the
>> original textbook that goes with Alice 2. We have already set up our
>> computer labs for the upcoming school year (starting in 2 weeks) with Alice
>> 2.2.
>> Although we did have some troubles with Alice 2.2 last year, I had
>> planned to continue with it for me upcoming students are low high school
>> students, who have never done any programming, and I wanted to just
>> introduce them to programming and do some very basic projects.
>> Do you think it is OK for me to continue with 2.2 and the textbooks, or
>> should I really switch to 3 and use on-line lessons and assignments instead
>> of using the textbook?
>> Suggestions and recommendations are appreciated!
>> Laurie Cohen
>> Technology Coordinator/Business Instructor
>> Yeshiva of Greater Washington
>> Silver Spring, Maryland LCohen at
>> LSCohen613 at
>> 240-793-1269 cell
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